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Merry Christmas!
Enjoy these FREE Scripture-memory songs as effective teaching tools for learning God's Word!
Psalm 119:9-10 (WEB)Bible Quest
Psalm 119:9-10 (Holman)Bible Quest
Psalm 119:37 (WEB)Bible Quest
Psalm 119:37 (Holman)Bible Quest
Psalm 119:9-10
Psalm 119:9-10
Psalm 119:37
Psalm 119:37
What is Bible Quest?
Helping children to memorize Scripture and the people, places, and timeline of the Bible when they are young provides the foundation for powerful understanding and the development of wisdom later on.
Bible Quest provides a 2-year
(80-week), repeatable program of
the entire Bible along with tools to
train students in Biblical
knowledge, understanding,
and wisdom.
How does it work?
Scripturally, we are told to HIDE God’s Word in our hearts, DISCUSS the Bible with our children, and be DOERS of the Word. Each phase of Bible Quest targets these three mandates.
The EQUIP Phase builds Biblical knowledge through memorization. Maximize and master memorized content with included active, visual, and audio elements like music, card games, timeline posters, and maps!
The EMPOWER Phase aims to develop student understanding through Explorations and Exercises. Explorations involve questions and activities that help students think Biblically. Exercises provide practice using Biblical information with speed and accuracy.
The EXPEDITION Phase helps students of the Bible use what they know and understand to communicate Biblical truth to others. By engaging with Biblical truth under the guidance of a mentor, students develop biblical wisdom.
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