The following is a list of errors found in the First Edition of Bible Quest.
Bible Quest Review Card Game
The Bible Quest Review Card Game has an error on the Abraham card in the lower-right-hand corner. It spells 'Iraq' with a 'g' instead of a 'q.'
Week 10
On week 10's page, the 'WHEN' section lists Joseph as 'JOSEPH' rather than as 'PATRIARCHS'. The reason for this was to help children understand the transitional nature of Joseph's story, from the Patriarchs into the time of Slavery in Egypt. However, this is not in the Big Bible Story Song. So, in order to maintain consistency with the song, a corrected page is below:

Week 38
A change to the WHO section: Mordecai is Esther's COUSIN, NOT her UNCLE as the printed version states. Correction below:

Week 40
The Malachi page in the first printing of Bible Quest has an error on it. Instead of saying "Malachi" for the title of the "WHO?" section, it says, "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Here is a copy of what the page SHOULD look like:

Week 28's song wasn't accurate. If you need support for this, please email us.