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Forum Posts

Nathan King
Apr 06, 2020
In Customer Reviews
Here's a review from The Old Schoolhouse. Thanks, Kelly B.!
Nathan King
Sep 13, 2019
In Customer Reviews
Natasha from Educational Roots posted this excellent, extensive review of the Old Testament kit from Bible Quest! Thanks, Natasha!
Nathan King
Aug 27, 2019
In Bible Quest for Beginners
While we're currently working on our new beginner video series, this old set (for second edition - from our old website) can still be quite helpful.
Nathan King
Apr 08, 2019
In Customer Reviews
Thanks to Karen Rodgriguez and her channel Our House for her unboxing of Bible Quest. Her review is forthcoming, and we can't wait!
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Here are a series of story-telling flaps that we made for a Stephen lapbook.  Here's the first page: Here's the second page: Fold the top of each flap back and glue it to the back of the second pane. Then, glue the back of the bottom pane to the lapbook.
NT Week 20 - Persecution Spreads the Gospel content media
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
I used these resources for some fun reiteration of the memory verse for our little ones in Sunday school for this week... enjoy!
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Here's the story we used for this week's interactive story. One day, Jesus went to the Sea of Galilee. People crowded around Him and listened to the word of God. There were two fishing boats at the shore, one belonging to a fisherman named Simon. Jesus got into Simon’s boat and asked him to put the boat a bit further from the shore. Then Jesus sat down and taught the people from the boat. After he taught the people, he told Simon, “Go to the deep water and put down the nets for a catch.” Simon wasn’t so sure. After all, he was the fisherman. “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything.” Simon was tired from being out all night. He didn’t want to try to catch fish again. Yet, somehow, Jesus seemed to know something he didn’t. So Peter said, “But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” So Peter and his friends cast the net into the water. And guess what happened?! Suddenly the whole net was full of fishes! There were so many, that the nets began to break! So they called their partners, James and John, to help them! And both boats were soooo full that they began to sink! Suddenly Simon fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” Jesus told Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on, you will fish for people.” So Simon, James and John pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed Jesus. (We wrote the rest, modified from the WEB.) Jesus went from there and he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother. They were in a boat with Zebedee their father, fixing their nets. Jesus called them and they followed him! Later, Jesus saw Matthew sitting at the tax collection office. Jesus told him to follow him, and Matthew got up and followed Jesus. But, as Jesus sat in Matthew's house, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. Some Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard this, he said to them, “Those who are healthy have no need for a doctor, but sick people do. Learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous to repentance. I came to call sinners to repentance.”
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
This is a REACTIVE DRAWING script for a Hands-on Story, meaning that the students each have a paper and are drawing the scene themselves based on the teacher's instructions. I find it's good to have one drawing ready to go for EACH phase of the story (meaning you'll be drawing the same thing several times over to get all of the pages you'll need!). Alternatively, another artist-ish person could be drawing so that the kids can watch and mimic what they see (most will want to). There are also a few of our discussion questions inserted. One note: While Explorations through story are useful for a wide variety of age ranges, this particular story-telling methodology works best with kids that are approximately 7 or 8 years old and up - children younger than that may need extra help or extra time with their focus just on the drawing side of things. Enjoy! Walking on the Water As soon as the meal of bread and fish for the 5,000 was finished, Jesus insisted that the disciples get in the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he told the people that it was time to go. With the crowd dispersed, he climbed the mountain so he could be by himself and pray. He stayed there alone, late into the night. Draw a boat to one side (left?) with the disciples in it, with waves all around. Meanwhile, the boat was far out to sea when the wind came up against them and they were battered by the waves. At about four o’clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them walking on the water. They were scared out of their wits. “A ghost!” they said, crying out in terror. Draw Jesus walking on the water on the other side (right?) of the paper. Why do you think that they thought Jesus was a ghost? But Jesus was quick to comfort them. “Courage, it’s me. Don’t be afraid.” Peter had an idea. He said, “Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come ahead.” Draw Peter walking toward Jesus on the water. Ask: what would you have done if you saw Jesus walking on the water? Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves moving like crazy beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” Jesus didn’t hesitate. He reached down and grabbed Peter’s hand. Then Jesus said, “You of little faith! Why did you doubt?” Draw storm clouds and big waves around the boat, Jesus, and Peter. Ask: When Peter got in the water, he was looking at Jesus! What made him start to sink? Who do we need to look at when we have times of trouble? Jesus and Peter climbed into the boat, and the wind died down. The disciples in the boat, having watched the whole thing, worshiped Jesus, saying, “This is it! You are God’s Son for sure!”
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Flannelgraph-y fun awaits:
NT Week 12 - Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead content media
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Here is the script we did for this week's interactive story. We call this one a LEGOgraph, because we tell the story with generic Bible-themed Lego sets that we purchased for our church (they also have a nativity and a Noah's Ark set). Here's the deal: if you are using this in a family or very small class setting with good classroom management, it CAN work pretty good with the kids all close around, each with their own character in-hand (or on the table until you tell them its their turn). HOWEVER, if you are doing it in a larger setting, we found that LEGO graph needs to be run like flannel graph, meaning that either you'll need to have only the story teller move their pieces or else you pick volunteers to move or place pieces. Otherwise, you will experience chaos, or near enough to chaos that you won't have a good time. Also, I'm including the 'place settings' we printed off for the disciples to use (the LEGO meal pieces that came with the set were so small we wondered if we'd loose them or if they'd be more trouble than they were worth). So, with that caveat, enjoy!
NT Week 13 - Last Supper content media
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Here's a flannelgraph script for a Hands-on Story for this week.
Week 14 - Jesus' Death content media
Nathan King
Mar 02, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Here's a reactive drawing piece (check out Week 11's forum post for tips!).
NT Week 17 - Pentecost and the Holy Spirit content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
This one is a REACTIVE SCULTPING script for a Hands-on Story. We gave each child a little tub of playdoh ON A TARP (so as not to get all the playdoh in the carpet, thank you very much!). It's helpful to give the children hints on how to scuplt these things, like "roll a ball for his head, and a thick snake for his body, and thinner snakes for his arms and legs" and then show them how to do each part. It keeps them engaged, and they are happier with the results! See Week 11's post for tips on how to do this fun exercise!
NT Week 15 - Resurrection content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
This is the flannel graph script we used this week for an interactive story.
NT Week 19 - The Early Church content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Here are some components to a Paul or Early Church lapbook that we used this week. Cut them out and fold along the lines... the left-hand one is just a flap while the right-hand one becomes a sort of two-flap fold-out from the middle. (This line art at the bottom shows kind of how the flaps should look from the side when they're done.) Images are taken from Sweet Publishing.
NT Week 22 - Saul to Paul content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
So here we used the Biblical Character Interaction. We had someone play the part of Sergius Paulus and someone else play Bar-Jesus (Elymas). We ran the story, but the kids could interact with the people at the end (as well as during the story time when appropriate). As long as you like improv acting, it's pretty fun!
NT Week 24 - First Missionary Journey content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Here's our second character-interaction story, this time with Lydia, seller of purple! Our volunteer did a GREAT job and brought props to show the kids! 
NT Week 25 - Second Missionary Journey content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
Hands-on Story, flannelgraph option!
NT Week 26 - Third Missionary Journey content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
We took some photos of the constructions we did for a LEGO graph this week regarding Peter and John's healing of a man on the temple steps and the resulting persecution by the Sanhedrin. The structure in the center and right are pictured in the script below. The structure on the far left is from THIS LEGO SET that we ordered. All pictures are below the script. This story is a Hands-on Story we call a LEGO graph, which functions essentially like a flannel graph but with the added bonus of Lego.
NT Week 18 - Apostles Go Forth content media
Nathan King
Feb 26, 2019
In EQUIP the New Testament
We had an interactive adventure this week, as the kids got to experience (sorta) a shipwreck (see Simulation on page 147 in your Bible Quest book)! At the end, we planned on playing the game of Shipwreck (where all the kids fall down and the adults go tell them what 'injury' they have and then they all have to help each other to the goal area while playing as though they have those injuries... like no arms, no legs, can't talk, can't see, can't hear, even silly ones like can't touch anyone, etc.). We had a fake fire for a Malta shoreline and the kids had to make it there from their ship (which was formed out of carpet squares, thank you very much). The sail was a sheet, the 'cargo' were little sacks stuffed with cotton, the anchor was a plastic anchor we'd kept from a VBS years ago.
NT Week 27 - Paul Goes to Rome content media

Nathan King

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